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Happy 24th Birthday, Luhan!
Sunday, April 20, 2014 • 12:46 AM • 0 comments

Happy 24th Birthday to my dearest Luhan!

I have so much to say. Thank you for being part of a bundle of joy brought into this world?
Yes. If you follow me on twitter, instagram or meet me often enough, you'll realise that most of my time revolves around this guy. I hate to admit, I spend so much time on this guy who doesn't even know my existance. ouch the sad life of a fangirl. Whatever! It's his birthday, and there are so many tragedies happening during his birthday period. Last year, it was Sichuan's earthquake. This year, it's Sewol sinking. We, fans, have not trended his birthday and only wished him and did charity under his name. I feel so blessed although the period of time during his birthday is always filled with tears around the world. But Luhan, don't hate yourself for being borned in this period of the year okay? We still love you. & wishes you all the best.

Thank you for being the guy who can make me smile despite the hard times. You know, every little action you do, is enough to make me smile and giggle like a little kid. 

Your voice is like an angel, it does magic to my mood. You have no idea how much I love it.
Your dance can be cutest, yet the sexiest, killing millions of fangirls. Me included.

You act like a kid, when you're borned in 1990... & also the 2nd eldest in exo

 Do you have any idea how much your simple smile affects me in all kinds of ways? It's my little magic to my mood.

and even if you say you look ugly. I still feel so happy.

What is ugly, honestly.
Nothing is ugly when it comes to you.

I'm not even joking. The ugliest facial expression you can make isn't ugly.

Even when you eat, you're so cute. I don't understand why is there someone so perfect like you.

Oh and yes. Soccer. You're such a MVP when it comes to soccer. How. How can you be so suave and cute while playing soccer. Plus, you play it so well. Despite your looks.

You've once said that if you are not an idol, you would pursue music or soccer. I support you. You have the talents to do both.

You're like the bad boy in my life. Turning everything upside down. I'm like cray cray over you, even to others who don't understand me, are finding this blog post hilarious to begin with. Why luhan.

You're magical.
"Thank you thank you"

Thank you for the enjoyable months I've been in this fandom and loving you!
I hope you'll be able to celebrate this special day with your buddies, like what your buddies intended to do. and also able to meet your family, although you're in Nanjing and not Beijing. Smile Luhan. I'll support you throughout! Do whatever you like, be yourself, smile as ugly as you think, just be yourself!

You're scared of heights.
But you bared with that fear and stood on a high moving structure for us during one of the Gayo Daejuns. Thank you really. All fans feel your sacrifice for us.
You were actually clinging onto the pole for your dear life before the performance started. But once the music began, you let go a hand and acted cool. Thank you so much.

鹿晗啊 生日快乐!
